“83% Of The Properties We Buy Are Not Available To Other Investors.”
How We Help Investors Potentially Get Up To 3 Times
Better Returns Than Average With Less Risk – By
Securing Off-Market Properties In Blue-Chip Suburbs
Discover How I Built A $15 Million Real Estate Portfolio Before Age 25 – And
How You Can Potentially Acquire High-Quality Assets That Other Investors
Don’t Even Know Exist
Jack Henderson is the founder of Henderson Advocacy, which buys $200 million worth of blue-chip real estate yearly for professionals, business leaders, and celebrities.
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The FREE Video Now
(Important: You Need At Least $150k Household
Income For This Strategy)
Here Are Some Recent Real Winning Deals
“$1.6 Million Projected.
Growth In 10 Years”

Purchase Price: $1.025m
Growth in year 1: 17%
Suburb: Mayfield East, Newcastle
10-year suburb growth: 8.4%
Projected growth: 10% + year-on-year
“$1.2 Million Projected.
Growth In 10 Years”

Purchase Price: $850k
Growth in year 1: 12%
Suburb: Bronte
10-year suburb growth: 9.1%
Projected growth: 9% + year-on-year
“$1.2 Million Projected.
Growth In 10 Years”

Purchase Price: $840k
Growth in year 1: 13%
Suburb: Georgetown, Newcastle
10-year suburb growth: 8.2%
Projected growth: 9% + Year on Year
“$2.4 Million Projected
Growth In 10 Years”

Purchase Price: $1.5m
Growth in year 1: 15%
Suburb: Bondi
10-year suburb growth: 10.1%
Projected growth: 10% + year on year
Praise From Our Clients
“Secured The Right Property
For Us In Just 8 Weeks”
Ben is the General Manager Retail at David Jones. Jenelle is the CFO of St Vincent’s Hospital.
They had been trying to buy property without success for 3 years.
We helped them to secure the right asset in less than 60 days.
“Acquired An Excellent Property
With Solid Rental Returns”
Phillip is a scientist, and Amanda is an economist.
They wanted to invest in property, but they weren’t sure about the next steps.
We helped them to secure a great property with solid rental returns and excellent growth potential.
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