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Land tax disclaimer

The materials presented on this web site are distributed by the Office of State Revenue as an information source only.

Users should note that the electronic versions of material and estimators on this site are not recognised as the official or authorised version of legislation, information or estimators.

The Office of State Revenue makes no warranty or representation regarding the accuracy or suitability for any purpose of the information provided. The information is provided solely on the basis that readers will be responsible for making their own assessment of the matters discussed herein. The reader accepts the risk of any use of such information, and should verify all relevant statements and information for accuracy, completion and currency. Although considerable resources are used to prepare and maintain the electronic information and the land tax estimator, the Office of State Revenue does not accept liability to any person for the information provided on this web site or incorporated into it by reference or for loss or damages incurred as a result of reliance upon the material contained on this web site.

The information provided in the land tax estimator is based on the Land Tax Act 2010 and the Taxation Administration Act 2001. These may be accessed at

This land tax estimator has been simplified to allow users to obtain an approximate idea of land tax that would be payable in a limited number of circumstances. The actual calculation of land tax can be more complex depending on many factors set out in more detail in the authorised version of the legislation. Professional advice should be sought by readers.

Copyright in the material presented on this site is retained by the State of Queensland. A user may download, store in cache, display, print and copy the material in unaltered form only. A user may not transmit, distribute or commercialise the material without the permission of the State of Queensland.

I have read the disclaimer and

This calculator gives an estimate of land tax based on the rates contained in the Land Tax Act 2010.
The rates are effective from and including the 2021-22 land tax year.

  1. This estimator will not accurately calculate land tax for all circumstances.
  2. This estimator should not be used for calculating previous year land tax.

Owner Type

Total taxable value of all land holdings as at 30 June 2021 $
(if land held jointly include only your share value of the land
in calculating the total value of all land held)

Less total taxable value of land subject to an exemption $
(e.g. Land used as a home or for farming or any other
exempt purpose)

Land Tax Estimator Calculation Report

Please note:

  1. This land tax estimator has been simplified to allow users to obtain an approximate idea of land tax that would be payable in a limited number of circumstances.
  2. The actual calculation of land tax can be more complex depending on many factors set out in more detail in the authorised version of the legislation.
  3. Professional advice should be sought by readers.
  4. Copyright in the material presented on this site is retained by the State of Queensland.
  5. A user may download, store in cache, display, print and copy the material in unaltered form only.
  6. A user may not transmit, distribute or commercialise the material without the permission of the State of Queensland.